About Me
I’ve spent the last decade in people leadership, development, and hiring positions between two companies; one in aerospace and manufacturing, the other in big tech and product development. I’ve worked with recruiting firms, universities, even start-ups to learn the best paths for job seekers at each level. After 10+ years learning how to be successful on both sides of the hiring process I want to share what I've learned with you.
Broda Coaching started, as a concept, at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic as I began considering a career transition side business.
Coaching has been a passion of mine since 2014 when I became a people manager, and as much of the world began to shut down into 2020, I realized many job seekers needed help.
I had just completed a career transition of my own from Aerospace (Boeing) into Big Tech (Amazon). I rolled my personal job-seeking strategies, based on my knowledge as a hiring manager, into my very first coaching package, and Broda Coaching was launched in early 2020.

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